You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - User Defined Fields > Entering User Defined Questions
Entering User Defined Questions

To enter user defined questions:

  1. Select a company to edit.

Refer to "Selecting a Company to Edit"


Micronet displays the Enter User Defined Questions screen.

  1. If you want to:

If you selected to add, insert or edit a question, Micronet displays the User Question screen.


  1. Complete the following fields:






This is the Micronet process in which the User Defined Question (UDQ) is asked. Options include the order header/line, job header/line, purchase order header/line, stock adjustments, etc.

If you are setting up a UDQ to prompt users for individual delivery instructions for each order, select Invoice Header in this field.

If you are using MJC, you can enter up to 20 UDQs for the job header and one UDQ for the job transaction line.

If you are using MRF and you want to retain units of measure for rolled and offcut items on returns and credits, select Serial Numbers in this field.




If you want a UDQ to be activated based on product categories (e.g. you want the invoice line to display a request for details of flashings but not for drills or screws), refer to "Entering User Defined Questions for a Specific Product Category".




Enter the question you would like displayed to users. For example, if you want to prompt users to enter delivery instructions for an order, you might enter something like "Enter delivery instructions for this order".

Note that any delivery instructions entered in a UDQ will override those written as debtor text (refer to "File - Debtor - Text").

If you are using MRF and you want to retain units of measure for rolled and offcut items on returns and credits, you must setup three separate UDQs with the values Length, Width and Quantity in this field. They can be in any order but, once used, the order must not change.



Select the type of answer required for the UDQ. For example, if the answer has to be numeric, users won’t be able to enter a date. Options are:

  • Text – forces users to enter a text answer for this UDQ
  • Numeric – forces users to enter a numeric answer for this UDQ
  • Money – forces users to enter a monetary value for this UDQ
  • Alpha – forces users to enter a text-only answer for this UDQ
  • Date – forces users to enter a date answer for this UDQ
  • Selection – displays the answer options as a selection list for users, i.e. to limit users to pre-set answers like a specific sales or advertising campaign. You will enter the answer options at the end of this procedure.
  • File – assigns this UDQ to a filename stored on your computer system. This file could be a JPG image, a PDF file or a link to a Microsoft Office file for Word, Excel, etc. This field is then accessible during product/customer inquiries. (For more details on storing files or images for UDQs, refer to "Edit - User Information".)
  • Partial – enables partial key searches in your UDQ.

If you are using MRF and you want to retain units of measure for rolled and offcut items on returns and credits, you must select Numeric in this field for each of your three questions.



If this field is displayed (depends on your selection in the Where field), select ????. Options are:

  • None –
  • Category File – select this option if you want the UDQ to be activated for some product categories but not others.


Partial Search

If you selected Partial in the Type field, select the partial key search you want to use in the UDQ. You can also press spacebar then Enter to select a partial key search.



Enter the default answer for the UDQ, if required.



Enter the number of characters allowed in the answer.


Decimal Places

If the UDQ requires a numeric answer, enter the number of decimal places to which the answer can be defined. For example, you would enter 2 to allow operators to enter numbers up to two decimal places.



Select Yes if users must enter an answer to the UDQ before Micronet will proceed to the next stage of the transaction being processed. If the UDQ is not mandatory, select No.


Def to Last Entry

Select Yes if you want the UDQ to default to the last answer entered, or No if you don’t. Users can accept the default entry or change it if required.

  1. If you chose Selection in the Type field, select the Add button.

Micronet displays the Enter Selection Value screen where you enter the answer options you want displayed to users.

  1. Enter each answer option you want displayed to users then select the Accept button.
  1. When you have finished entering answer options, choose the Cancel button.

Micronet redisplays the User Question screen.

  1. Select the Accept button to save your UDQs.

Micronet redisplays the Change Existing Company screen.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE to save your changes.
  2. To see your changes take effect, you need to log back in to Micronet.

Refer to "Logging in With Updated Configuration (Method 1)" or "Logging In With Updated Configuration (Method 2)".